Another reading challenge?

That’s what I need in my life…. another reading challenge.  I’ve probably completed the Australian Women Writer’s Challenge several times over by now ( I should write a wrap-up post) and I’ve failed dismally in the TBR challenge where I vowed to read twenty books from those already on my shelves before buying anything else.

But I was fascinated by Ann Morgan’s self-imposed challenge to read a book from every independent country in the world within a year.  There’s no way I could do it within a year- that is, after all 196 books- but perhaps a ten year plan?  You can see a TED-talk where she describes her project here and here is her list of books suggested to her, organized by country (the books she actually read are underlined and linked to her review).

Ah, who am I kidding? I won’t get round to this.  Nonetheless, it’s an interesting idea.

7 responses to “Another reading challenge?

  1. Oh how interesting. I just posted about my own reading challenge for next year. I’m “Reading India”:

  2. Noooooooo! I had a quick look to see her list, and #phew I’ve read a good many though #blush not enough from the Middle East, and well, no, not a lot from those little countries that are smaller than Geelong either. BTW She’s omitted South Africa’s Novel Prize winner Nadine Gordimer, such a great writer!
    I am not, not, not getting involved in any more challenges.
    (Except Jenny, I’m keeping an eye on Radio National’s Africa Book Club).

  3. artandarchitecturemainly

    In my advanced middle age, I am finding it easier to read journal articles and conference papers than complete books. Partially a memory problem and partially a lack of energy. However I received a few very interesting books as presents at the end of the academic year, and will commit myself to reading them before the long summer holidays finish in Feb 2016.

    • I know what you mean about the lack of energy to read whole books. I’m finding that if I listen to a good podcast with the author (e.g. Richard Fidler), I feel as if I’ve read the book anyway. So much for author interviews being a good way of publicizing a book to increase sales! I like articles and conference papers but I tend to forget them more easily than a whole book. At least I’m left with the gist of a whole book! Blogging often helps to cement something I’ve read in the memory, and I don’t think that I’ve often blogged an article- although perhaps I should.

      • I find blogging about a book very helpful in cementing in my memory, but also refining what I thought of it all anyway. It doesn’t feel as complete an experience now if I read a book and then am too busy to blog about it. It disappoints me, although I guess is not a loss for anyone else.

      • Same here. The book just seems to slip away unless I’ve documented it somehow.

  4. This does sound like a fascinating challenge, but I really don’t know how anyone could hope to complete it in a year. 196 books! I gave myself a 200 book challenge on good reads this year, which it turned out was completely over optimistic, and I’m going to come in 110+ (and that’s including picture books…). I took on my 1001 challenge back in 2009, and I’m only a bit over a quarter of the way through that, so I’m a long way away from taking on a new big challenge. Perhaps you could start with a continent and see how you go?

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